Former world number one Golfer Tiger Woods fainted in a self-crash near Los Angeles, according to witnesses announced on 5/3.

In a statement made by the local police, the witness said he lived near the scene. When he heard the crash, he went to the overturn and asked a few questions, but the victim did not answer. This document is transferred to the court and is a procedure for the police to be ordered to inspect the vehicle’s black box.

“I believe the data will explain the cause and development of the incident,” the local police station, Johann Schloegl, said in the statement. The police have received the black box but have not released the information inside. Before that, the head of the station Alex Villanueva confirmed that Woods drove in good weather, and the incident was a pure accident.

Testimony from the witness against information from Deputy Fort Carlos Gonzales. He said Woods could still answer basic questions on field exposure. As for “Super Tiger”, after the emergency surgery, he said he did not remember the incident and the driving story. On USA Today, Gonzales said police were not asking for an order to test Woods’ blood — drug and alcohol screening.

Tiger Woods car was lifted off the scene on 23/2. Photo: AP

Tiger Woods car was lifted off the scene on 23/2. Image: AP

In 2017, Woods was indicted on charges of drug driving in Florida. At that time, blood tests showed that the American golf superstar was taking pain relievers and sedatives like Vicodin, Dilaudid, Xanax and Ambien. After that, Woods was put on a two-week rehab regimen.

Woods crashed on February 23, fracturing his right ankle and tibia and a series of injuries in his lower limb. Doctors brace the lower legs, using screws to fix the bones of the feet and ankles. In addition, they open the muscle lining, allowing swelling to relieve the pressure on this part. These actions are intended to save Woods feet and increase his chances of rehabilitation in the future. He is currently being treated at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.

In December 2020, Woods had the fifth vertebrae surgery. Including career since 1996, he 10 times on the operating table and half of that on the left knee. Also in the past 24 years, Woods won 15 major in a record 82 PGA Tour championships, set a record 683 weeks number one in the world (OWGR), was named in the Temple of Fame golf world.

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